Our Training

Be Polite + Be Patient + Be Alert + Be Brave + Do Your Best + Respect Yourself and Others


Youn Wha Ryu

Youn Wha Ryu Martial Arts is a traditional and complex self-defense system that goes beyond "kicking and punching." Students learn practical self-defense concepts that focus on increasing reaction, timing, speed and full-body power.

The comprehensive curriculum includes techniques from Kung Fu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Hwarang Do, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, Judo, Hapkido, Kendo, and others.

Youn Wha Ryu is one of a very few systems in which you can train under a living Grandmaster that oversees your training, and promotions. From age five in the Shaolin Temples and throughout his over 65 years of training in many styles, Grandmaster Han has developed a core curriculum that is unlike any other.

Class Structure

The dynamic classes combine both aerobic and anaerobic training and encourage the development of self-discipline, perseverance, agility, coordination, flexibility and total-body strength.

The traditional, family-oriented martial arts classes are approximately one-hour in length and follow a structured format.

Each class consists of a warm-up, followed by instruction in kicks, punches, basic technique and forms. Additional training in Hapkido self-defense, grappling and weapons instruction are available on a regular basis. Training can be modified, as needed, for students to be able to participate regardless of age and ability level.

Rank Promotion is an option for students who train consistently, learn all the required rank-level curriculum and receive instructor’s recommendations. Promotional testings are judged by World Wha Ryu Taekwondo Association Master level instructors.

Servant Leadership

One of the most important tenants of our martial art is committing ourselves to being servant leaders inside of and outside of our classes. A servant-leader’s focus is on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong.

This goal will be accomplished through in-class leadership training, as well as community outreach and service.

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